Thursday 16 June 2011


Okay, so I was just reading Fashion Pirate [I'll post the link at the bottom] and I came across a couple of sentences that summed up my mentality so completely and accurately it freaked me out a bit. 'But, you know, I find the future romantic and I am a dreamer, I like to get lost in my own brain and plan and plan and plan and plan, because the future has every possibility of being better than the past and the present, and I bank everything on those possibilities.' FUCK, this is just me and it explains a lot, I spend a lot of time in my head planning my life with imaginary men, and my imaginary house, and my imaginary four children called Rupert, Hugo, Guinevere and Emilia. Instead of focussing on the here and now because it doesn't live up to my expectations. So, I will try to live in the moment more, and try to cultivate my real relationships further and hopefully it will actually bring me closer to ideal life. Watch this space.
Fashion Pirate:
Photo: Lisanne de Jong by Viviane Sassen for Dazed & Confused.


  1. I loooove this editorial. like brain bursting love. amazing.

  2. and I just read your commentary on this post.... I am right there with you. How is it that living in the moment is such a struggle sometimes?

    take care,
